

Les Fines Lames

Les Fines Lamesthe ultimate choice for the cigar enthusiast

Are you a cigar enthusiast looking for quality accessories to cut and pierce your cigars? Cigar cutter knives and bracelets from Les Fines Lames are for you. We have selected for you the best products from this French brand, renowned for the quality of its products. The Les Fines Lames product range is rich and varied, offering a wide selection of cigar-cutting knives in different models and colors, as well as cigar-cutting bracelets that can be worn on the wrist. Each product is designed with precision and care to guarantee exceptional quality. The knives and bracelets are practical, discreet and easy to use.

Showing 1 - 15 of 15 items
Showing 1 - 15 of 15 items

The history of the brand Les Fines Lames

Les Fines Lames is founded in 2015 by Pierre Jourdan. The brand introduces a major innovation with the cigar cutter knife, designed to simplify the lives of cigar enthusiasts. After building the brand's reputation through various partnerships and event sponsorships, a second product, Le Petit, is introduced in 2018 with the help of Pablo Rodet. This is a premium cigar cutter, made in France and affordable. Today, Les Fines Lames is a leading brand in cigar accessories, offering four different product lines and distributed worldwide via over 350 official retailers.
