
Cigar cutter V Cut Blue Colibri

The Colibri cigar cutter is a metal accessory, black in the center and blue at the ends. It is designed to cut the head of cigars in a "V" shape, while ...
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Technical sheet of Cigar cutter V Cut Blue Colibri

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Full description for Cigar cutter V Cut Blue Colibri

The Colibri cigar cutter is a metal accessory, black in the center and blue at the ends. It is designed to cut the head of cigars in a "V" shape, while preserving the wrapper.

The Colibri cigar cutter is a metal accessory, black in the center and blue at the ends. It is designed to cut the cigar head in a "V" shape, while preserving the wrapper. This cut allows each cigar's unique aromas to be fully released. The stainless steel blade is easily operated manually, and the cigar cutter is opened via a button featuring the brand's iconic Colibri logo. A perfect choice for cigar lovers looking for a precise, elegant cut.


  • Brand : Colibri
  • Body: metal
  • Blades: stainless steel
  • Colors: black, blue
  • Automatic push-button opening
  • V-shaped blade
  • Manual closing
  • Black rubber coating
  • Weight: 110 g

Length x width x thickness
7.4 x 4 x 1.1 cm
