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Among the accessories that make up the cigar smoker's panoply, the cigar ashtray is as important as the cigar cutter. Indeed, its role being to welcome your cigar wisps during the tasting, it must be perfectly adapted to your needs. Here is what differentiates a classic ashtray from a cigar ashtray.
Every cigar smoker has a cigar ashtray. It is an essential accessory. Its role is to receive the ashes of the volutes, but also to deposit your cigars during the tasting. It is also a way to savor the pleasure of smoking a good cigar by letting it burn a few minutes on its support. This allows you to talk and exchange on various subjects while smoking in good company. This way, even if you make gestures with your hands, the ash does not fall on your clothes or on the ground.
Cigar ash is also more "solid" than cigarette ash, so it needs to find a larger space to burn out. This is why the receptacle of cigar ashtrays is often larger.
So let's take a look at the differences between these ashtrays and list them here.
Cigars are much larger than cigarettes. Thus, by using a classic ashtray to put your cigar curls, you take the risk that they fall out and get damaged. Indeed, cigar ashtrays have wider and longer spaces to put the scrolls and therefore, better adapted to receive the stems. This way, your cigars will not roll away or balance.
Because cigars are larger and often longer than cigarettes, they also generate more ash. So, to allow you to drop them without having to empty the ashtray regularly, the ash tray is larger.
It is possible to find classic ashtrays with several spaces to deposit cigarettes. For cigar ashtrays, this is also the case, but it is possible to find some for one cigar, two cigars, three cigars, but also for 4 and more! Some cigar ashtrays can accommodate 5 or 6 on the same accessory!
We are not going to lie, even if there are very beautiful classic ashtrays, cigar ashtrays often have very sought-after lines. The aesthetic concern is also very important since the cigar ashtray must answer certain codes. The cigar being considered as a luxury accessory, the specific ashtray must be up to the smokers' expectations.